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A Campaign Against Overpopulation

Sterilize to Save Lives

Did you know, in Washington state, over 100,000 animals are surrendered to shelters each year? This heartbreaking reality leads to over capacity situations in many shelters/rescues, leaving pets at risk of euthanasia due to lack of space. Furthermore, there are millions of unaltered dogs and cats in our state, contributing to the cycle of overpopulation and the need for more shelters/rescues to accommodate these animals. But there is hope!

Spaying and neutering pets is the key to reducing the number of animals in shelters & preventing countless, unnecessary euthanizations.

By supporting our clinic, you are directly impacting the lives of these animals and helping to break the cycle of overpopulation. Your donation will help us provide affordable spay/neuter services to pet owners in need, ultimately saving lives and keeping families together. Join us in the fight against pet overpopulation and make a difference today.

Together, we can make a difference.

Together, we can save lives.

Together, we can ensure a brighter future for animals in Washington state.

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Save Lives & Support Our Operations

In the comments section of your loyal donor page, please add your t-shirt size if you are committing to $25+ per month. These are unisex t-shirts. 











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Loyal Donor Bricks

Any donation of $250 or more earns a brick on our donor wall in the clinic lobby.

Another option: With a commitment to $50 per month, you will get the exclusive t-shirt above AND your name on a brick in our lobby at the one year mark!

​​​Additional Loyal Donor levels can be seen in the infographic below!

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